"Bienvenidos a Piedras Negras!" Post Cards Season 1 & 2 & 3: "Hand of Glory" 15 Card Set

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"Bienvenidos a Piedras Negras!" Post Cards Season 1 & 2 & 3: "Hand of Glory" 15 Card Set


Remember that time your (Insert someone you know) went to the lovely Mexican town of Piedras Negras (Nickname: The Safe Border) and they didn't send you a post card? Sure, they said they were too busy visiting El Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe or El Serpentario Lucha Iglesia, but you know it's just that they didn't care about you. Now you could cry about it, or you could buy this 10 pack collection of Piedras Negras Post Cards known colloquially as the "Hand of Glory". Send them out to people you know that would actually send you a post card in return, not that jerk that didn't.


MICTECACIHUATL: A lovely painting of Miss Piedras Negras, Mictecacihuatl, the Queen of the Underworld. Art by Ryan Veeder (Website) who is the author of MOTORCYCLUS, and a stand up gentleman.

IGNACIO vs. CAMAZOTZ: This card features an image of the incredible battle between nacho creator Ignacio Anaya and Camaztoz, the Mayan God of Vampire Bats. Art by Richard Luong (Website) who sells some amazing works of Lovecraftian horror.

CHUPACABRA LOVES NACHOS: A post card embodiment of the Chupacabra and its love of nachos that rivals only its love of sucking goats. Art by Greg Murphy (website) whose are can be seen most recently in the C is for Cthulhu: The Lovecraft Alphabet Board Book Kickstarter.

RAUL ALHAZREDO WRITES THE NACHONOMICON: A 15th century woodcut of the "mad monk" Raul Alhazredo writing The Nachonomicon. Art by Dex Gormenghast (Website) a stand up gentlemen and contributor to Nachonomics.

IGNACIO ANAYA: Rare photograph of Ignacio Anaya circa. 1950 seen here stopping to smell the flowers.

SNAKE FIGHT CHURCH: A post card encouraging you and your loved ones to attend the world's #1 Snake Fighting Church. Art by Ian Callahan, the official graphic designer of Nachonomics.

NACHO GOBLINS: Fact, Goblins love Nachos. Art by Sean Poppe (Website), who also loves nachos as much as he does goblins.

GENTLEMAN FRANK LIBERTO ENJOYS NACHOS (Not to be confused with the upstanding Frank Liberto of Rico's or the Frank Liberto of Martin Luther King Jr. assassination infamy, because, as we all know, Gentleman Frank Liberto is a nacho loving creature who has existed since the dawn of time and is an obvious satire/parody) : I mean, the name pretty much says it all. Art by Richard Luong again, because one card just isn't good enough for his art.

CHUPACABRA BUTCHER CUTS: For when you need to know the best parts of the Chupacabra. Based on the illustration by Rexroth Chalmers.

GREETINGS FROM PIEDRAS NEGRAS: An actual post card from the Mexican city of Piedras Negras. Art by Ryan Veeder again, because he's a radical dude.


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